Vivre – Leben – Vivere (VLV)

Publications de VLV

Articles scientifiques

  • Baeriswyl, M. (2017). Participations sociales au temps de la retraite. In N. Burnay & C. Hummel (Eds.) (pp. 141–170). Bern: Peter Lang.
  • Bolzman, C. (2012). Democratization of ageing: also a reality for elderly immigrants? European Journal of Social Work, 15(1), 97–113. doi:10.1080/13691457.2011.562018
  • Bolzman, C. (2015a). Older migrants and care. What place for the family? In Aa.Vv. (Ed.), La famiglia tra fragilità e risorse (Vol. 259, pp. 355–373). Brescia, Italy: La Scuola.
  • Bolzman, C. (2015b). Personnes âgées, migrations et care. Enjeux intergénérationnels et pour les politiques sociales. In N. Hajji & O. Lescarret (Eds.), Les mouvements sociaux à l’épreuve de l’interculturel (pp. 189–209). Paris: L’Harmattan.
  • Bolzman, C., & Kaeser, L. (2012). Active Ageing and Immigrants Elders: A Possible Relation? Exploring the Case of Switzerland. Revista Migrações, 10, 29–44.
  • Bolzman, C., & Kaeser, L. (2016). Active ageing and older immigrants: The role of health and economic factors related to retirement. Salute e Società, XV(1), 165–179. doi:10.3280/SES2016-001012
  • Bolzman, C., Kaeser, L., & Christe, E. (2017). Transnational Mobilities as a Way of Life Among Older Migrants from Southern Europe. Population, Space and Place, 23(5), 1–13. doi:10.1002/psp.2016
  • Bolzman, C., & Vagni, G. (2015). Égalité de chances? Une comparaison des conditions de vie des personnes âgées immigrées et “nationales.” Hommes et Migrations, 1309, 19–28.
  • Bolzman, C., & Vagni, G. (2017). Forms of care among native Swiss and older migrants from Southern Europe: a comparison. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(2), 250–269. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2016.1238908
  • Bolzman, C., & Vagni, G. (2018). ‘And we are still here’: Life Courses and Life Conditions of Italian, Spanish and Portuguese Retirees in Switzerland. In I. Vlase & B. Voicu (Eds.), Gender, Family, and Adaptation of Migrants in Europe: A Life Course Perspective (pp. 67–89). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-76657-7_4
  • Cavalli, S., Dasoki, N., Dus, D., Masotti, B., & Rosciano, A. (2015). Condizioni di salute, benessere e scambi di servizi nella popolazione anziana residente in Ticino. In F. Giudici, S. Cavalli, M. Egloff, & B. Masotti (Eds.), Fragilità e risorse della popolazione anziana in Ticino (pp. 47–66). Bellinzona, Switzerland: Ufficio di statistica.
  • Cavalli, S., & Dus, D. (2015). Terza età e vulnerabilità. In F. Giudici, S. Cavalli, M. Egloff, & B. Masotti (Eds.), Fragilità e risorse della popolazione anziana in Ticino (pp. 67–86). Bellinzona, Switzerland: Ufficio di statistica.
  • Cedraschi, C., Luthy, C., Allaz, A.-F., Herrmann, F. R., & Ludwig, C. (2016). Low back pain and health-related quality of life in community-dwelling older adults. European Spine Journal, 25(9), 2822–2832. doi:10.1007/s00586-016-4483-7
  • Dasoki, N., Morselli, D., & Spini, D. (2016). La mémoire autobiographique à travers le parcours de vie: évaluation rétrospective du bonheur et de la vulnérabilité. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement, 35(3), 308–318. doi:10.1017/S0714980816000362
  • Desrichard, O., Vallet, F., Agrigoroaei, S., Fagot, D., & Spini, D. (9998). Frailty in aging and its influence on perceived stress exposure and stress-related symptoms: evidence from the Swiss Vivre/Leben/Vivere study. European Journal of Ageing. doi:10.1007/s10433-017-0451-2
  • Duvoisin, A. (2016). Trajectoires familiales et professionnelles durant le baby boom en Suisse: continuités et ruptures parmi les générations féminines. In S. Pennec, C. Girard, & J.-P. Sanderson (Eds.) (pp. 1–19). Paris: AIDELF.
  • Duvoisin, A., Baeriswyl, M., Oris, M., Perrig-Chiello, P., & Bickel, J.-F. (2012). Pro Senectute: Visibilité et usages d’une association bientôt centenaire. Au service des vulnérables? / Pro Senectute: Sichtbarkeit und Nutzung einer bald hundertjährigen Stiftung. Im Dienste vulnerabler Menschen? (Pro Senectute report). Genève: CIGEV.
  • Duvoisin, A., Burgnard, S., & Oris, M. (2016). Childless People during the Baby Boom in Switzerland. Annales de Démographie Historique, (132), 193–221. doi:10.3917/adh.132.0193
  • Egloff, M., Cavalli, S., & Giudici, F. (2015). Anzianità: Una realtà difficilmente oggettivabile. In F. Giudici, S. Cavalli, M. Egloff, & B. Masotti (Eds.), Fragilità e risorse della popolazione anziana in Ticino (pp. 11–18). Bellinzona, Switzerland: Ufficio di statistica.
  • Gabriel, R., Oris, M., Studer, M., & Baeriswyl, M. (2015). The persistence of social stratification? A life course perspective on poverty in old-age in Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 41(3), 465–487.
  • Girardin, M., & Widmer, É. (2015). Lay definitions of family and social capital in later life. Personal Relationships, 22(4), 712–737. doi:10.1111/pere.12107
  • Giudici, F., Cavalli, S., Egloff, M., & Masotti, B. (Eds.). (2015). Fragilità e risorse delle persone anziane residenti in Ticino. Bellinzona, Switzerland: Ufficio di statistica. Retrieved from
  • Giudici, F., Egloff, M., Cavalli, S., & Masotti, B. (2015). Anziani al di là dei cliché: La sfida di una realtà molteplice. In F. Giudici, S. Cavalli, M. Egloff, & B. Masotti (Eds.), Fragilità e risorse della popolazione anziana in Ticino (pp. 129–132). Bellinzona, Switzerland: Ufficio di statistica.
  • Henke, J. (2016). Définir la vulnérabilité auprès des personnes âgées en Suisse : l’importance de la mesure subjective. In M. Oris, P. Cordazzo, G. Bellis, E. Brown, & A. Parant (Eds.). Bordeaux: CUDEP (Conférence Universitaire de Démographie et d’Étude des Populations). Retrieved from
  • Höpflinger, F., Spahni, S., & Perrig-Chiello, P. (2013). Persönliche Bilanzierung der Herausforderungen einer Verwitwung im Zeit- und Geschlechtervergleich. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 25(3), 267–285.
  • Ihle, A., Gouveia, É. R., Gouveia, B. R., Freitas, D. L., Jurema, J., Odim, A. P., & Kliegel, M. (2017). The relation of education, occupation, and cognitive activity to cognitive status in old age: the role of physical frailty. International Psychogeriatrics, 29(9), 1469–1474. doi:10.1017/S1041610217000795
  • Ihle, A., Gouveia, É. R., Gouveia, B. R., Linden, B. W. A. van der, Sauter, J., Gabriel, R., … Kliegel, M. (2017). The Role of Leisure Activities in Mediating the Relationship between Physical Health and Well-Being: Differential Patterns in Old and Very Old Age. Gerontology, 63(6), 560–571. doi:10.1159/000477628
  • Ihle, A., Grotz, C., Adam, S., Oris, M., Fagot, D., Gabriel, R., & Kliegel, M. (2016). The association of timing of retirement with cognitive performance in old age: the role of leisure activities after retirement. International Psychogeriatrics, 28(10), 1659–1669. doi:10.1017/S1041610216000958
  • Ihle, A., Jopp, D., Oris, M., Fagot, D., Kliegel, M., Ihle, A., … Kliegel, M. (2016). Investigating Discontinuity of Age Relations in Cognitive Functioning, General Health Status, Activity Participation, and Life Satisfaction between Young-Old and Old-Old Age. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(11), 1092. doi:10.3390/ijerph13111092
  • Ihle, A., Mons, U., Perna, L., Oris, M., Fagot, D., Gabriel, R., & Kliegel, M. (2016). The relation of obesity to performance in verbal abilities, processing speed, and cognitive flexibility in old age: The role of cognitive reserve. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 42(1–2), 117–126. doi:10.1159/000448916
  • Ihle, A., Oris, M., Baeriswyl, M., & Kliegel, M. (2018). The relation of close friends to cognitive performance in old age: the mediating role of leisure activities. International Psychogeriatrics, 1–6. doi:10.1017/S1041610218000789
  • Ihle, A., Oris, M., Fagot, D., Baeriswyl, M., Guichard, E., & Kliegel, M. (2015). The association of leisure activities in middle adulthood with cognitive performance in old age: The moderating role of educational level. Gerontology, 61(1), 543–550. doi:10.1159/000381311
  • Ihle, A., Oris, M., Fagot, D., Chicherio, C., Linden, B. W. A. van der, Sauter, J., & Kliegel, M. (2018). Associations of educational attainment and cognitive level of job with old age verbal ability and processing speed: The mediating role of chronic diseases. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 25(4), 356–362. doi:10.1080/23279095.2017.1306525
  • Ihle, A., Oris, M., Fagot, D., & Kliegel, M. (2016). The relation of the number of languages spoken to performance in different cognitive abilities in old age. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 38(10), 1103–1114. doi:10.1080/13803395.2016.1197184
  • Ihle, A., Oris, M., Fagot, D., & Kliegel, M. (2017). No cross-sectional evidence for an increased relation of cognitive and sensory abilities in old age. Aging & Mental Health, 21(4), 409–415. doi:10.1080/13607863.2015.1109055
  • Ihle, A., Oris, M., Fagot, D., Maggiori, C., & Kliegel, M. (2016). The association of educational attainment, cognitive level of job, and leisure activities during the course of adulthood with cognitive performance in old age: The role of openness to experience. International Psychogeriatrics, 28(5), 733–740. doi:10.1017/S1041610215001933
  • Ihle, A., Oris, M., Sauter, J., Rimmele, U., & Kliegel, M. (2018). Cognitive Reserve and Social Capital Accrued in Early and Midlife Moderate the Relation of Psychological Stress to Cognitive Performance in Old Age. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 45(3–4), 190–197. doi:10.1159/000488052
  • Kaeser, L. (2013). Les migrants âgés circonspects face aux chercheurs. REISO - Revue d’information sociale. Retrieved from
  • Kaeser, L. (2014). «Votre questionnaire est trop policier!» De la distance sociale dans une enquête quantitative auprès d’immigrés retraités résidant en Suisse. Genèses, 96(3), 157–174.
  • Kaeser, L. (2016a). Adapting quantitative survey procedures: The price for assessing vulnerability? Lessons from a large-scale survey on aging and migration in Switzerland. In M. Oris, C. Roberts, D. Joye, & M. Ernst Staehli (Eds.), Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course (pp. 65–85). New York: Springer.
  • Kaeser, L. (2016b). Enjeux de la collecte de données auprès de populations vulnérables : discussions méthodologiques à partir du cas des populations âgées d’origine immigrée. In M. Oris, P. Cordazzo, G. Bellis, E. Brown, & A. Parant (Eds.). Bordeaux: CUDEP (Conférence Universitaire de Démographie et d’Étude des Populations). Retrieved from
  • Kaeser, L., & Roch, P.-A. (2015). Le vieillissement actif: élaboration, légitimation et tentatives de diffusion d’un référentiel transversal en Europe. Critique internationale. Revue comparative de sciences sociales, 2015(3), 145–169. doi:10.3917/crii.068.0145
  • Kaeser, L., & Zufferey, J. (2015). Confronting active ageing with empirical evidence: A structural equation model approach. The case of older migrants living in Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 41(3), 437–463.
  • Lalive d’Épinay, C., & Cavalli, S. (2013). Le quatrième âge ou la dernière étape de la vie. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
  • Ludwig, C., Cavalli, S., & Oris, M. (2014). “Vivre/Leben/Vivere”: An interdisciplinary survey addressing progress and inequalities of aging over the past 30 years in Switzerland. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 59, 240–248. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2014.04.004
  • Luthy, C., Cedraschi, C., Allaz, A.-F., Herrmann, F. R., & Ludwig, C. (2015). Health status and quality of life: results from a national survey in a community-dwelling sample of elderly people. Quality of Life Research, 24(7), 1687–1696. doi:10.1007/s11136-014-0894-2
  • Madero-Cabib, I., & Kaeser, L. (2016). How voluntary is the active ageing life? A life-course study on the determinants of extending careers. European Journal of Ageing, 13(1), 25–37. doi:10.1007/s10433-015-0355-y
  • Masotti, B., & Oris, M. (2015). Il ricorso ai servizi domiciliari e il ruolo della famiglia nella quarta età. In F. Giudici, S. Cavalli, M. Egloff, & B. Masotti (Eds.), Fragilità e risorse della popolazione anziana in Ticino (pp. 87–110). Bellinzona, Switzerland: Ufficio di statistica.
  • Morselli, D., Dasoki, N., Gabriel, R., Gauthier, J.-A., Henke, J., & Le Goff, J.-M. (2016). Using life history calendars to survey vulnerability. In M. Oris, C. Roberts, D. Joye, & M. Ernst Staehli (Eds.), Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course (pp. 177–199). New York: Springer.
  • Nicolet, M., & Oris, M. (2016). Mesures et capture de la vulnérabilité dans une enquête sur les conditions de vie et de santé des personnes âgées. L’expérience de VLV (Vivre-Leben-Vivere) en Suisse. In M. Oris, P. Cordazzo, G. Bellis, E. Brown, & A. Parant (Eds.), Les populations vulnérables. Actes du XVIe colloque national de démographie. Bordeaux: CUDEP. Retrieved from
  • Oris, M. (2016). Ageing and the reconciliation of history and biographies: An approach to fill the gap. In K. Matthijs, S. Hin, J. Kok, & H. Matsuo (Eds.). Leuven / Den Haag: ACCO Publishers.
  • Oris, M., Gabriel, R., Ritschard, G., & Kliegel, M. (2017). Long Lives and Old Age Poverty: Social Stratification and Life-Course Institutionalization in Switzerland. Research in Human Development, 14(1), 68–87. doi:10.1080/15427609.2016.1268890
  • Oris, M., Gabriel, R., Studer, M., & Baeriswyl, M. (2016). La construction des inégalités économiques et inégalités de genre dans la vieillesse à travers le parcours de vie (Suisse, 1979-2011). In S. Pennec, C. Girard, & J.-P. Sanderson (Eds.) (pp. 1–14). Paris: AIDELF.
  • Oris, M., Guichard, E., Nicolet, M., Gabriel, R., Tholomier, A., Monnot, C., … Joye, D. (2016). Representation of vulnerability and the elderly. A Total Survey Error perspective on the VLV survey. In M. Oris, C. Roberts, D. Joye, & M. Ernst Staehli (Eds.), Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course (pp. 27–64). New York: Springer.
  • Perrig-Chiello, P., Spahni, S., Höpflinger, F., & Carr, D. (2016). Cohort and gender differences in psychosocial adjustment to later-life widowhood. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 71(4), 765–774. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbv004
  • Rosciano, A., Dasoki, N., Cavalli, S., & Dus, D. (2012). Vivre/Leben/Vivere. Uno studio interdisciplinare sulle condizioni di vita degli ultrasessantacinquenni in Svizzera. Dati. Statistiche e società, XII(1), 114–117.
  • Spahni, S., Morselli, D., Perrig-Chiello, P., & Bennett, K. M. (2015). Patterns of psychological adaptation to spousal bereavement in old age. Gerontology, 61(5), 456–468. doi:10.1159/000371444
  • Tholomier, A. C. C. (2016). Fragilité et dépendance parmi les retraités suisses: effet du sexe, de l’âge et du statut social. In S. Pennec, C. Girard, & J.-P. Sanderson (Eds.) (pp. 1–11). Paris: AIDELF.
  • Widmer, É., & Girardin, M. (2016). Actively generating one’s family: How elders shape their family configurations. In E. Scabini & G. Rossi (Eds.), L’allungamento della vita: Una risorsa per la famiglia, un’opportunità per la società (pp. 85–104). Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
  • Widmer, É., Girardin, M., & Ludwig, C. (2018). Conflict Structures in Family Networks of Older Adults and Their Relationship With Health-Related Quality of Life. Journal of Family Issues, 39(6), 1573–1597. doi:10.1177/0192513X17714507
  • Widmer, É., & Spini, D. (2017). Misleading Norms and Vulnerability in the Life Course: Definition and Illustrations. Research in Human Development, 14(1), 52–67. doi:10.1080/15427609.2016.1268894

