Qui sommes-nous ?

Activity Report / Rapport d'activités 2022

Schéma recherche CIGEV-LIVES


» A few words from Matthias Kliegel, director
» Members
» Highlights Year 2022
» PhD Obtained in 2022
» Publications
» Grants — Ongoing projects
» Previous activity reports

A few words from Matthias Kliegel, director

2022 was a year full of energy. In the LIVES department, we have celebrated our twelfth year as NCCR with several high-level activities (see below for a summary) and at the same time we prepared for the transition from NCCR LIVES to the Center LIVES. Many new interdisciplinary and highly innovative research projects on life course research have been acquired by members of the CIGEV and will – as associated projects – constitute the continuation and extension of our research agenda after the end of the NCCR funding and at the beginning of a new era in 2023. In the department of gerontology, we have fully resumed our established conference series with the 10th edition of the Geneva Aging Series (GAS) held in Jongny in October and two international workshops of our CIGEV Research Day scheme, one on metacognition and subjective aging (see below for a summary) and one – in collaboration with the Swiss SHARE team and the Center LIVES – on Cognition, decisions and wellbeing in later life. Both workshops hosted highly recognized international scholars from Gerontology and Lifespan research and documented well the important synergy and intellectual bridges both CIGEV departments have been developing in the recent years.

In terms of research, we have continued to foster our open science initiatives and shifted our attention even further towards healthy aging and longevity as well as resilience across the lifespan with a special emphasis on real life data and a combination of large-scale surveys, experimental and ambulatory assessment and observatory approaches.

Aiming to move even further from Lab to Life in our research and translational activities will be one of the top priorities for the next years at the CIGEV.



Matthias Kliegel Eric Widmer

Matthias Kliegel, Éric Widmer

Have a look at all the team members on our website!


Emiliano Albanese, Jean-Michel Bonvin, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Oana Ciobanu, Anik de Ribaupierre, Olivier Desrichard, Giovanni Frisoni, Paolo Ghisletta, Christophe Graf, Cornelia Hummel, Andreas Ihle, Yves Jackson, Dimitri Konstantas, Christian Lalive d'Épinay, Solène Morvant-Roux, Michel Oris, Michele Pellizzari, Julie Péron, Ulrike Rimmele, Gilbert Ritschard, Clémentine Rossier, Daniel Stoecklin, Matthias Studer, Andrea Trombetti

Academic Staff

Marie Baeriswyl, Catherine Bassal, Liala Consoli, Chloé Da Silva Coelho, Vera de Bel, Lea Dettwiler, Iuna Dones, Aline Duvoisin, Delphine Fagot, Julien Fakhoury, Olga Ganjour, Myriam Girardin, Maximilian Haas, Alexandra Hering, Émilie Joly-Burra, Morgane Künzi, Gianvito Laera, Pierrick Laulan, Max Lovey, Kristel May Magdaraog, Greta Mikneviciute, Neslihan Önay, Dan Orsholits, Davide Pietrobon, Gina Potârcă, Jan-Erik Refle, Monika Riegel, Sabrina Roduit, Rojin Sadeghi, Julia Sauter, Chiara Scarampi, Stefan Sieber, Janeth Tenorio Mucha, Leonhard Unterlerchner, Maud Wieczorek, Sascha Zuber

Administrative and Technical Staff

Nathalie Blanc, Jérémy Breton, Lorraine Dubuis, Claire Grela, Tina Latifi, Grégoire Métral, Urs Richle, Alexis Vial, Marie-Ève Zufferey

Affiliated Researchers

Nicola Ballhausen, Isabel Baumann, Jean-François Bickel, Claudio Bolzman, Christian Chicherio, Stéphane Cullati, Nora Dasoki, Bogdan Draganski, Rainer Gabriel, Bruna GouveiaÉlvio Rúbio Gouveia, Christian Maggiori, Barbara Masotti, Jürgen Maurer, Marthe Nicolet, Rose van der Linden

Highlights Year 2022


CIGEV Research Day 2022 - metacognition and subjective perceptions of (cognitive) aging


ResearchDay-Consentino.jpegOn December 1st, 2022, the CIGEV Research Day finally returned after a 3-year break due to the COVID-19 pandemic! We were particularly glad to see this small-scale event return as it provides researchers and students from UNIGE with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on a given topic and to exchange with international experts in this field. On the occasion of this 7th edition, focusing on metacognition and subjective perceptions of (cognitive) aging, four distinguished international keynote speakers gave an overview of the state of their respective field, and presented their most recent work. Topics covered metacognition and subjective aging in both normal and pathological aging, as well as innovative approaches to improving daily-life memory in (vulnerable) older adults. After the talks, a poster session provided young researchers with an opportunity to network, disseminate their work and get feedbacks from leading experts in the field. The event was a great success as it did only ignite lively and rich scientific exchanges, providing many ideas for future projects, but it also gave rise to international collaborations between the keynote speakers and UNIGE members.

12 years of research at the LIVES Research Centre on life course and vulnerability in Switzerland

2022 was a pivotal year for the LIVES Centre, marked by the complete transition of research activities to the LIVES Centre and the end of the funding of the National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The LIVES Centre remains institutionalised at the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva and continues to conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of life course and vulnerability.

Image1.pngIn order to celebrate the hard work of the 450 researchers and administrative staff who have collaborated with LIVES during its first 12 years, numerous research and dissemination activities have been organised for scientists, authorities, professionals and the general public: the "LIVES Celebrations".

The entire programme can be found on the internet page www.centre-lives.ch/celebrations

The LIVES Celebrations activities were organised with the University of Lausanne, the University of Geneva and in partnership with the HES-SO. Those that particularly concerned the CIGEV are:

  • The interactive glossary, which brings together some 30 theoretical concepts on the life course and vulnerability, makes it possible to disseminate a language common to several disciplines ranging from social psychology to economics.
  • The career paths of the "LIVES doctors" have also been honoured through the card of ex-doctors. They give their advice for the next generation of researchers.
  • Human Library — 16 researchers delivered their research findings in the form of stories told at events and podcasts. Access to care, family dynamics during confinement or homophobia, all the themes of this original bookshop illustrate vulnerabilities of the life course through poignant stories.
  • Public round-table — on November 16, 2022, at the IDHEAP (UNIL), the LIVES Centre has invited journalists, professionals, local authorities and all interested people to a conference about the impact of LIVES research on public policies. On the agenda: integration of research in public policies, health of people in vulnerable situations and the users' perspective.
  • International scientific conference - On 17 and 18 November 2022, at the University of Geneva (Campus Biotech), a scientific conference was held, bringing together many LIVES researchers. Plenary lectures, thematic presentations and a poster session followed one another in order to share the progress of the research on life course and vulnerability.
  • Scientific book "Withstanding Vulnerability Throughout Adult Life" — The book is based on the idea that vulnerability is an essential component of the life course that can influence how we use our resources, reserves and cope with stressors throughout life. It provides a unique interdisciplinary research framework based on the idea that vulnerability is a complex and dynamic process that can only be approached from a multidimensional, multilevel and multidirectional perspective.

In addition, LIVES Centre also awarded an honorary doctorate to Rick Settersten, and realised an exhibition with the Musée de l'Art Brut in Lausanne (June to November 2022).

Continuity assured by a new management duo

This transition is an opportunity to pass the torch to a new management duo. Clémentine Rossier takes over from Eric Widmer as head of the Geneva section of LIVES at the UNIGE from 2023. On 1 August 2022, Daniel Oesch succeeded Dario Spini as co-director of CIR-LIVES at UNIL. Clémentine Rossier and Daniel Oesch have been members of LIVES for many years and will ensure the continuity of the scientific missions of the Centre.

PhD Obtained in 2022




Grants — Ongoing Projects

CIGEV Projects

Project TitlesPrincipal InvestigatorsFunding Sources
Betreuungs- und begegnungsfreie Zeiträume: Methodenplurale Erkundungen zum Erleben von Personen mit Demenz

Thomas Beer
Matthias Kliegel

AGE.INT - Expertise internationale pour la vie des personnes âgées Dimitri Konstantas
Matthias Kliegel
National innovation network on aging Age NT: Dementia, Technology, Work and Living Environments Matthias Kliegel SBFI
From Lab to Life: Cognitive Aging Revisited Matthias Kliegel SNSF
E-GISIN «Unemployment Exit and Entry: Cognition, Nudges, Information, and Eligibility Screening» Rafael Lalive / Matthias Kliegel SNSF
Besser älter werden mit Musikunterricht: Auswirkungen von Musikunterricht auf Kognition, Perzeption, Motorik und begleitende hirnplastische Effekte bei Senioren in Deutschland und in der Schweiz Clara James / Matthias Kliegel SNSF
How emotion, stress and their regulation shape and alter episodic memories across the life span Ulrike Rimmele SNSF Eccellenza

LIVES Center Projects & Phd obtained

» Find them all here

LIVES Center Geneva Associated Projects

Project TitlesPrincipal InvestigatorsFunding Sources
Social inequalities in cancer prevention care and fundamental social causes: a comparative study of innovative technologies and (in)effective policies Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Piet Bracke Lead Agency Switzerland and Flanders SNSF
Transnational Ageing among Older Migrants and Natives : A strategy to overcome vulnerability Trans-Age Ciobanu, Oana Ruxandra SNSF Professorship Grant
Mindfulness meditation and the stress response to social-evaluative threat Matthias Kliegel Cogito Foundation
The negotiation of divorce agreements and gender (in)equality in Switzerland Eric Widmer, Michelle Cottier SNSF
Healthy Ageing in the Face of Death: Preferences, Communication, Knowledge and Behaviors Regarding End of Life and End-of-life Planning Among Older Adults in Switzerland Jürgen Maurer SNSF
The participatory capability of children in street situations in Brazil and China Daniel Stoecklin SNSF
Describing the safety of abortion at the population level using network Clémentine Rossier WHO
«Lifetime social adversity and the aging brain». Leenaards Price for Translational Medicine awarded to Matthias Kliegel together with Silvia Stringhini and Bogdan Draganski Matthias Kliegel Leenaards Fondation
How Does the Internet Change Modern Romance ? Gina Potârcă SNSF Ambizione
Parchemins: Étude prospective de l'impact du programme de régularisation Papyrus sur la santé et les conditions de vie des migrants sans-papiers à Genève Claudine Burton-Jeangros / Yves-Laurent Jackson SNSF
Strenghtening Sequence Analysis Mattahias Studer SNSF
Individual pathways of cognitive reserve accumulation - a fine-grained lifespan perspective (COREPATH) Andreas Ihle SNSF

Doctoral students enlisted in the LIVES Doctoral Program

Doctoral StudentTutorsThesis Title
Bian Fei Vandecasteele Leen Effets du/de la partenaire sur la carrière professionnelle : une étude comparative
Bochsler Yann Bonvin Jean-Michel Governing the Poor in Switzerland: Young adults dealing with ambiguous cantonal social policies.
Bornscheuer Lisa Almquist Ylva Brännström Gendered resilience processes and health over the life-course: An assessment of pathways, patterns and interactions in a Swedish birth cohort
Brandalesi Vanessa Bernardi Laura Etre une non-mère. Implications de la non-maternité dans les parcours de vie et les rôles de genre(s).
Canzio Leandro Bühlmann Felix, Masdonati Jonas Trajectoires professionnelles et qualité subjective de l'emploi. Travailleurs indépendants, à temps partiel et temporaires en Suisse et en Europe
Cheng Mengling  Spini Dario Les antécédents socio-économiques et les mécanismes psychologiques de la santé des personnes âgées en Chine : Une approche multiniveau

Consoli Liala

Burton-Jeangros Claudine Parcours des migrants sans papiers en voie de régularisation - volet qualitatif
Delgado Villanueva Cecilia  Spini Dario Social capital and mental health of migrants across the life course: The Chavannes-près-Renens residents’ example
Dones Iuna Ciobanu Ruxandra Oana Happiness and wellbeing among older migrants and natives: Meanings of and strategies developed to achieve happiness
Emery Kevin Berchtold André Imputation des données manquantes dans les séquences multichannels
Elbassiouny Mai Rimmele Ulrike Modulation of Emotional Memory
Fakhoury Julien Burton-Jeangros Claudine, Guessous Idris Parcours de vie des migrant-e-s sans-papiers à Genève : dans quelle mesure la régularisation de leur statut légal affecte leurs trajectoires de santé ?
Fellmann Lukas Widmer Éric From Conflict to Support? Changes in Personal Networks of Parents During a Social Pedagogical Family Intervention.
Fernandez Guillaume Widmer Éric  Language variability in interaction: a configurational and a longitudinal approach
Geiser François Bonvin Jean-Michel, Bickel Jean-François La visée de préservation de l’autonomie dans les dispositifs de maintien à domicile. Référentiel, instrumentation et appropriation
Hoffman Adar Staerklé Christian “Si la vie vous donne des citrons, faites-en de la limonade?": Identités sociales et l'interaction entre la vulnérabilité et la résilience dans la transition à l'âge adulte.
Köster Fiona Oesch Daniel Une perspective de parcours de vie sur les effets à long terme de licenciement collectif
Künzi Morgane Kliegel Matthias The impact of lifetime socio-economic status on age-related cognitive performance
Laera Gianvito Kliegel Matthias Neural mechanisms of cognitive aging (working title)
Lovey Max Bonvin Jean-Michel, Tabin Jean-Pierre L'action sur le non-recours aux prestations sociales à l'aune de l'approche par les capabilités
Mehrpour Anahita Staerklé Christian, Widmer Éric L'individu et le contexte : Vers un modèle unifié de santé, de bien-être et de vulnérabilité
Mikneviciute Greta Kliegel Matthias Life course mechanisms of vulnerability in old age : Aging, stress and the role of multi-domain reserves
Onay Neslihan Rimmele Ulrike Effect of Emotion on Episodic Memory Across Life Span
Sautier Marie Le Feuvre Nicky The Local Making of Internationalisation : Values of Academic Mobilities in Comparative Perspective (Switzerland-France).
Schmutz Rita Vandecasteele Leen Early childhood and family policies: a study of the Swiss case
Tirehote-Corbin Maëlys Le Feuvre Nicky, Perrenoud Marc The lives of female comic book artists from a life-course perspective
Tucci Violetta Filandri Marianna (Milan)  
Unterlerchner Leonhard Studer Matthias  
Vigna Nathalie Oesch Daniel Le déclin de la classe ouvrière et la montée du populisme de droite : Le rôle du statut social subjectif
Waltz Oscar Bonvin Jean-Michel  
Ziade Garnelle Jopp Daniela The Effect of Centenarians’ Personality on Health, Social Contacts, and Well-being


Other doctoral students

Doctoral StudentTutorsThesis Title
Da Silva Coelho Chloé Kliegel Matthias Vieillissement cognitif et la mémoire prospective
Haas Maximilian Kliegel Matthias From Lab to Life: Studying Everyday Prospective Memory
Karunanethy Kalaivani Lalive Rafael Three Essays in Development/Labor Economics
Leko Minja Elcheroth Guy Cicatrice sans blessure? Transmission de traumatismes de guerre de la première à la deuxième génération chez les Bosniaques vivant en Suisse.
Morel Sandrine Bühlmann Felix Divorce et séparation, toujours des événements critiques ? Une études des trajectoires de parents mariés et non mariés avant et après la séparation
Tinello Doriana Kliegel Matthias Cognitive training in adulthood: a multi-method approach

Previous Activity Reports

Rapport d'activités 2021
Rapport d'activités 2019-2020
Rapport d'activités 2017-2018
Rapport d'activités 2016
Rapport d'activités 2015
Rapport d'activités 2014
Rapport d'activités 2011-2013
Rapport d'activités 2009
Rapport d'activités 2006-2008
Rapport d'activités 2005
Rapport d'activités 2004
Rapport d'activités 2003