The CIGEV has created a new structure bringing together interdisciplinary competencies in gerontology within the University of Geneva: the CIGEVCité. Its aim is to transfer the results of fundamental research in gerontology by providing applied research and innovative services for seniors, as well as for organizations and corporations concerned by aging.

CIGEVCité is based on the humanistic philosophy and apply a person-centered approach, which focuses on the individual and his or her growth for evolution and fulfillment.

CIGEVCité's research and services are oriented towards:

  •  Support for seniors with cognitive and behavioral challenges and the teams of professionals who care for them.
  •  Support for older workers in transition to retirement or who have just retired.
  •  Support for seniors who are coping with changes or struggles in their daily lives.
  •  Dissemination of scientific knowledge on mental health, primary prevention and new technologies.

CIGEVCité promotes well-being of seniors by building partnerships with organizations and institutions in Switzerland. In a perspective of information and prevention, CIGEVCité promotes the empowerment of seniors and raises awareness among the general population, as well as the economic and political sectors, about issues related to aging.


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