[Colloque GSA] Présentations du CIG au colloque de la GSA 2004
Plusieurs chercheurs du CIG ont participé à la GSA 2004 à Washington (novembre 2004). Leurs présentations et posters sont disponibles sur la page des publications.
- Myriam Girardin Keciour, Dario Spini, Jean-François Bickel, Christian Lalive d'Epinay: «Evolution of Health and Well-Being in Later Life: Global Trend and Individual Trajectories» (poster, PDF, 49 ko, format 100x50 cm)
- Edith Guilley, Franca Armi, Paolo Ghisletta, Christian Lalive d'Epinay: «Individual Health Transitions between Frailty and Dependence in Late Life» (poster, PDF, 91 ko, format 100x50 cm)
- Edith Guilley, Paolo Ghisletta: «Multidisciplinary Outlook on the Frailty Process: Theoretical Issues, Individual Trajectories, and Consequences for Daily Life»
- Paolo Ghisletta, Anik de Ribaupierre, Jean-Pierre Michel: «Theoretical Framework for an Interdisciplinary Concept of Frailty» (présentation, PDF, 132 ko)
- Edith Guilley, Franca Armi, Paolo Ghisletta, & Christian Lalive d'Epinay: «Frailty in Late Life: attempted working definition and dynamics between Independence and ADL Dependence» (présentation, PDF, 131 ko)
- Jean-François Bickel, Franca Armi, & Myriam Girardin Keciour: «The consequences of becoming frail on the elderly’s daily life» (présentation, PDF, 87 ko)