CIGEV, area gerontology: Research on Lifespan, Multidirectionality and Plasticity – Director: Matthias Kliegel

Ageing Migrants’ Well-being

The Structuring of Local Welfare Provisions at the Intersection of Public, Private, Third Sector and the Family


The project’s scope is to advance the state-of-the-art research in the area of ageing migrants, local welfare regimes and care provisions. The project focuses on three dimensions:

  1. Local welfare policies with a focus on care for ageing migrants;
  2. The role of the family as an informal care provider;
  3. The care by ageing migrants.

The results would serve to expand the knowledge base of local welfare policies capable to contribute to the well-being of ageing migrants.


The fieldwork research took place in the cantons of Basel, Geneva and Ticino. There were conducted 33 in-depth interviews with representatives of local institutions—public, private and third sector. Further, there were conducted 57 interviews with older migrants out of which 31 with older Italians and 26 with older Germans residing in Switzerland.