CIGEV, area LIVES: Research on Vulnerability and the Life Course – Director: Clémentine Rossier


Life course influences on health trajectories at older age: longitudinal analyses using retrospective data


This research will study the health trajectories of individuals aged 50 years and older living in Europe and, based on retrospective data from childhood and adulthood, the life course influences on these health trajectories. We will examine old age vulnerability in relation to the adversity of the age-related decline in health, operationalising it as an accelerated downward health trajectory at ages after 50 years. The precursors of an accelerated health trajectory at older age will be sought in the accumulation of disadvantaged structural and inter-personal stress exposures in childhood and adulthood, so mainly as a social process.


  1. Boisgontier MP, Orsholits D, Von Arx M, Sieber S, Courvoisier DS, Iversen MD, Cullati S, Cheval B, “Physical activity cancels the negative impact of adverse childhood experiences and depression on functional dependence in older age”, Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 2020, In Press
  2. Sieber S, Cheval B, Orsholits D, Van der Linden BWA, Guessous I, Gabriel R, Kliegel M, von Arx M, Kelly-Irving M, Aarsten MJ, Boisgontier MP, Courvoisier DS, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, “Do welfare regimes moderate cumulative dis/advantages over the life course? Cross-national evidence from longitudinal SHARE data” The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 2020, In Press [DOI]
  3. Van der Linden BWA, Sieber S, Cheval B, Orsholits D, Guessous I, Gabriel R, von Arx M, Kelly-Irving M, Aarsten MJ, Blane D, Boisgontier MP, Courvoisier DS, Oris M, Kliegel M, Cullati S, “Life-course circumstances and frailty in old age within different European welfare regimes: a longitudinal study with SHARE”, The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 2019,In Press [DOI]
  4. Baranyi G, Sieber S, Cheval B, Pearce J, Dibben C, Kliegel M, Cullati S, “Neighbourhood deprivation and depression in European older adults: the role of childhood stressors”, Preventive Medicine, 2019, 126: 105674 [DOI]
  5. Von Arx M, Cheval B, Sieber S, Orsholits D, Widmer E, Kliegel M, Guessous I, Courvoisier DS, Kelly-Irving M, Boisgontier MP, Cullati S, “The role of adult socioeconomic attainments and relational reserves regarding the effect of childhood misfortune on late-life depression”, SSM – Population Health, 2019, 2019, 8:100434 [DOI]
  6. Cheval B, Orsholits D, Sieber S, Kliegel M, Stringhini S, Courvoisier DS, Boisgontier MP, Cullati S, “Do early-life socioeconomic circumstances really have no effect on trajectories of healthy ageing?”, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 2019, 73(8):703-711 [DOI]
  7. Aarsten MJ, Cheval B, Stefan S, Van der Linden BWA, Rainer G, Courvoisier DS, Guessous I, Burton-Jeangros C, Blane D, Ihle A, Kliegel M, Cullati S, “Adverse socioeconomic conditions in childhood are associated with lower cognitive functioning and stronger cognitive decline in older age”, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019, 116(12):5478-5486 [DOI]
  8. van der Linden BWA, Cheval B, Sieber S, Guessous I, Stringhini S, Rainer G, Aarsten MJ, Blane D, Courvoisier DS, Burton-Jeangros C, Kliegel M, Cullati S, “Life Course Socioeconomic Conditions and Frailty at Older Ages”, The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, In Press. [DOI]
  9. Sieber S, Cheval B, Orsholits D, van der Linden BWA, Guessous I, Gabriel R, Kliegel M, Aarsten MJ, Boisgontier MP, Courvoisier DS, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, "Welfare Regimes Modify the Association of Disadvantaged Adult-life Socioeconomic Circumstances on Self-rated Health in Old Age", International Journal of Epidemiology, 48(4):1352-1366. [DOI]
  10. Cheval B, Chabert C, Sieber S, Orsholits D, Cooper R, Guessous I, Blane D, Kliegel M, Courvoisier DS, Kelly-Irving M, Boisgontier MP, Cullati S, "The association between adverse childhood experiences and muscle strength in older age", Gerontology, 2019, 65:474-484. [DOI]
  11. Van de Straat V, Cheval B, Schmidt RE, Sieber S, Courvoisier DS, Kliegel M, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, Bracke P, "Early predictors of impaired sleep: A study on life course socioeconomic conditions and sleeping problems in older adults", Aging & Mental Health, 2020, 24(2): 322-332. [DOI]
  12. Landös A, von Arx M, Cheval B, Sieber S, Kliegel M, Gabriel R, Orsholits D, van der Linden BWA, Blane D, Boisgontier MP, Courvoisier DS, Guessous I, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, "Childhood socioeconomic circumstances and disability trajectories in older men and women: a European cohort study", European Journal of Public Health, 2019, 29(1): 50-58. [DOI]
  13. Cheval B, Chabert C, Orsholits D, Sieber S, Guessous I, Blane D, Kliegel M, Janssens JP, Burton-Jeangros C, Pison C, Courvoisier DS, Boisgontier MP, Cullati S, "Disadvantaged early-life socioeconomic circumstances are associated with low respiratory function in older age", The Journal of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2019, 74(7):1134-1140. [DOI]
  14. van der Linden BWA, Courvoisier DS, Cheval B, Sieber S, Bracke P, Guessous I, Burton-Jeangros C, Kliegel M, Cullati S, "Effect of childhood socioeconomic conditions on cancer onset in later life: an ambidirectional cohort study", International Journal of Public Health, 2018, 63(7): 799-810. [DOI] [Open Access]
  15. Cheval B, Boisgontier MP, Orsholits D, Sieber S, Guessous I, Rainer G, Stringhini S, Blane D, van der Linden BWA, Kliegel M, Burton-Jeangros C, Courvoisier DS, Cullati S, "Association of early- and adult-life socioeconomic circumstances with muscle strength in older age", Age & Ageing, 2018, 47(3):398-407. [DOI] [Communiqué de presse UNIGE] [TdG] [Le Matin]
  16. Cheval B, Sieber S, Guessous I, Orsholits D, Courvoisier DS, Kliegel M, Stringhini S, Swinnen SP, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, Boisgontier MP, "Effect of Early- and Adult-life Socioeconomic Circumstances on Physical Inactivity", Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2018, 50(3):476-485. [DOI]



  1. Schmidt RE, Sieber S, Cheval B, Boisgontier MP, Kliegel M, Blane D, Courvoisier DS, Kelly-Irving M, Kraehenmann R, Kalt N, Guessous I, Cullati S. “Early parental loss predicts late-life sleep problems: Evidence from the longitudinal Survey of Health, Aging, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)”. Berlin, 9th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT), 17-20 July 2019.
  2. Schmidt RE, van de Straat V, Cheval B, Sieber S, Courvoisier DS, Kliegel M, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, Bracke P. “Condemned to poor sleep? Childhood socioeconomic status predicts how women sleep later in life”. Zurich, 5th Burghoelzli Psychiatry Meeting, Psychiatric University Hospital, 4 October 2018.
  3. Van der Linden BW, Cheval B, Sieber S, Kliegel M, Cullati S, “Adverse Childhood Experiences are Associated with Frailty in Old Age”, Boston, Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, 14-18 November 2018; Abstract published in Innovation in Aging, 2018, 2 (suppl_1): 892;
  4. Recksidler C, Cheval B, Sieber S, Stawski R, Cullati S, “The Link between Family Transitions and Later-life Depression: Does Life-Course Socio-Economic Standing Matter?”, Abstract published in PPmP Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie, 2018, 68(08):e51-e52.
  5. Von Arx M, Boisgontier MP, Cheval B, Sieber S, Kliegel M, Gabriel R, Blane D, Courvoisier D, Guessous I, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, “Disadvantageous childhood socioeconomic circumstances are associated with higher levels of depression in old age”, Montreux, 11e congrès international francophone de gérontologie et gériatrie et congrès national de la Société Suisse de Gérontologie, 13-15 June 2018.
  6. Sieber S, Cheval B, Orsholits D, Van der Linden BW, Guessous I, Gabriel R, Kliegel M, Aartsen M, Blane D, Courvoisier D, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, “Do Welfare Regimes Modify the Influence of Early-Life Disadvantage on Healthy Aging?”, Lisbon, 17th European Society of Health and Medical Sociology Biennial Congress, 6-8 June 2018.
  7. Cullati S, Cheval B, Sieber S, Gabriel R, Kliegel M, Sandoval J, Van der Linden BWA, Stringhini S, Guessous I, Blane D, Courvoisier D, Guessous I, Burton-Jeangros C, “Body mass index trajectories at older age: can social mobility compensate a bad start in life? Longitudinal study”, Lisbon, 17th European Society of Health and Medical Sociology Biennial Congress, 6-8 June 2018.
  8. Landoes A, Cheval, Sieber S, Guessous I, Gabriel R, Blane D, Orsholits D, Courvoisier DS, Kliegel M, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S, “Socioeconomic circumstances in childhood and trajectories of disability in the second half of life: European longitudinal analysis”, Society for Longitudinal Studies and Life Course Studies International Conference, Stirling, 11-13 October 2017 (Awarded Best Poster Prize).
  9. Van der Linden BW, Cheval B, Sieber S, Guessous I, Kliegel M, Courvoisier D, Cullati S, “Associations of Childhood Socioeconomic Position with Frailty Trajectories at Older Age”, San Francisco, 21st World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 23-27 July 2017. Published in Innovation in Aging, 2017, 1 (suppl_1): 235-236. [Download]
  10. Cheval B, Gourlan M, Sieber S, Boisgontier MP, Courvoisier D, Cullati S, “Impact of early- and adult-life socioeconomic circumstances on physical activity”, Padova, 31st Conference of the European Health Psychology Association, 29 August-2 September 2017.


  1. Cullati S (convenor), Aarsten M, van der Linden BWA, Sieber S, Cheval B, “Adverse childhood experiences and health trajectories at older age – longitudinal analyses with SHARE”, Society for Longitudinal Studies and Life Course Studies International Conference, Milano, 9-11 July 2018, including the following abstracts:
    1. “The gendered effect of adverse childhood experiences on muscle strength in older age”, Cheval B, Orsholits D, Sieber S, Guessous I, Blane D, Kliegel M, Burton-Jeangros C, Courvoisier DS, Kelly-Irving M, Boisgontier MP, Cullati S
    2. “Adverse Childhood Experiences and Self-Rated Health Trajectories in Old Age”, Sieber S, Cheval B, Orsholits D, van der Linden BWA, Guessous I, Kliegel M, Aarsten M, Kelly-Irving M, Blane D, Courvoisier DS, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S
    3. “Adverse Childhood Experiences and trajectories of cognitive functioning in later life”, Aarsten M, Cheval B, Sieber S, Guessous I, Blane D, Burton-Jeangros C, Courvoisier DS, Kelly-Irving M, Ihle A, Kliegel M, Cullati S
    4. “Adverse Childhood Experiences are Associated with Growing Differences in Frailty Trajectories in Old Age”, van der Linden BWA, Cheval B, Sieber S, Kelly-Irving M, Guessous I, Blane D, Burton-Jeangros C, Courvoisier DS, Kliegel M, Cullati S
    5. “Adverse childhood experiences are associated with higher levels of depression in Old Age”, Von Arx M, Boisgontier MP, Cheval B, Sieber S, Guessous I, Blane D, Kliegel M, Burton-Jeangros C, Courvoisier DS, Kelly-Irving M, Cullati S
  1. Cullati S (convenor), Aarsten M, van der Linden BWA, Sieber S, “Is age kinder to the initially more privileged? Effects of childhood socio-economic circumstances on health trajectories at older age – longitudinal analyses with SHARE”, Society for Longitudinal Studies and Life Course Studies International Conference, Stirling, 11-13 October 2017, including the following abstracts:
    1. “Do childhood conditions predict level of cognitive functioning and rate of decline at older age?”, Aarsten M, Cheval B, Sieber S, van der Linden BWA, Guessous I, Gabriel R, Kliegel M, Blane D, Courvoisier DS, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S
    2. “Childhood socio-economic circumstances and frailty at older age: education matters”, van der Linden BWA, Cheval B, Sieber S, Guessous I, Aarsten M, Stringhini S, Rainer G, Kliegel M, Blane D, Courvoisier DS, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S
    3. “Long-lasting Association of Childhood Socioeconomic Circumstances on Body Mass Index Trajectories at older age: a European longitudinal survey”, Cullati S, Cheval B, Sieber S, Gabriel R, Kliegel M, Stringhini S, Sandoval J, Blane D, Courvoisier DS, Guessous I, Burton-Jeangros C
    4. “Welfare Regime Differences in the Association of Childhood Socioeconomic Circumstances with Self-rated Health Trajectories at Older Age”, Sieber S, Cheval B, van der Linden BWA, Aarsten M, Orsholits D, Guessous I, Gabriel R, Blane D, Courvoisier DS, Kliegel M, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S
    5. “A sequence analysis approach to health trajectories in old age: A typology of trajectories and the association with childhood socioeconomic circumstances”, Gabriel R, Cheval B, Sieber S, Guessous I, Stringhini S, Blane D, Courvoisier DS, Kliegel M, Burton-Jeangros C, Cullati S