[Colloque] Plusieurs chercheurs du CIGEV participent au congrès de la SSG
Plusieurs chercheurs du CIGEV et du PRN LIVES présenteront des posters lors du colloque de la Société suisse de gérontologie (SSG) à Fribourg, les 28 et 29 janvier prochains:
- Siboney Minko: Les croyances et les pratiques religieuses chez les personnes âgées issues de l’immigration espagnole à Genève (Poster Siboney Minko)
- Oana Ciobanu & Marie Baeriswyl: Comparing the support model for ageing natives and migrants in Switzerland (Poster Oana Ciobanu & Marie Baeriswyl)
- Marthe Nicolet: When the family of the deceased said thank you. Death notices in Geneva and Valais (Poster Marthe Nicolet)
- Reiner Gabriel: Poverty in old-age: Three decades of progress, but not for everyone (Poster Rainer Gabriel)
- Andreas Ihle (& Michel Oris, Delphine Fagot, Christian Maggiori, Matthias Kliegel): The association of educational attainment, cognitive level of job, and leisure activities during the course of adulthood with cognitive performance in old age: The role of openness to experience (Poster Andreas Ihle & al.)
- Delphine Fagot (& Christian Chicherio, Cédric T. Albinet, Nathalie André, Michel Audiffren): The impact of physical activity and gender on intra-individual variability in inhibitory performance in older adults (Poster Delphine Fagot & al.)
- Fanny Vallet (& Olivier Desrichard, Delphine Fagot, Dario Spini): The clinical meaning of different levels of memory complaint: a study on the VLV Swiss sample (Poster Fanny Vallet & al.)